Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Smartphone Applications

Ever since the .com boom in the 1990’s every aspect of computers has advanced to the next level. Twenty years ago technological companies would never have imagined the success we have achieved today. Even ten years ago it would have been hard to imagine the smartphones, iPods, or laptops we have available right as our fingertips. Now one of the highest advances we have are all of the applications available for our iPhones, droids, blackberries, and other smartphones. Now an individual can do as much if not more on their cell phone than they can do on their computers, and users can thank Apple for this. The iPhone, one of Apple’s greatest creations ever, is the leading personal handheld device in the world with more than 200,000 applications available on the market. Since the creation of the iPhone web companies have all rushed to create some form of an application for their company and their products. What is amazing is that some of these products actually make more sense to use mobily than they do from a computer. Examples would include google maps, map quest, or Zagat restaurant guide. All of these products are used to help their users find something in an unfamiliar area. With the Zagat restaurant guide an individual can find a good recommendation for a dinner reservation and once the person finds a place to go they can use google maps or map quest to find their way to the restaurant. At this point in our lives technology only exists to make our lives easier and there is no better way to do this than to buy a smartphone and use the applications that have been created to help their customers.

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